布道会 资讯


Rev. Stephen Tong’s 2023 US East Coast Farewell Gospel Rally 




This year (2023) marks the 50th anniversary of Rev. Stephen’s Tong ministry in the United States. He will be travelling to US East Coast in September, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Greater Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York through large-scale gospel rallies. Do share this good news with your family and friends, and invite them for the same! We look forward to having you and your loved ones, witnessing with us the bestowment of God’s abundant blessings through His servant, Rev. Stephen Tong. May all glory be to God in the highest.

91-2-3-4 華盛頓特區佈道會

1, 2, 3 & 4 September

Greater Washington DC Gospel Rallies


98-9-10 費城佈道會

8, 9 & 10 September

Philadelphia Gospel Rallies

915-16-17 波士頓佈道會

15, 16 & 17 September

Boston Gospel Rallies

922-23-24 紐約佈道會

22, 23 & 24 September

New York Gospel Rallies





For complete details on rally schedule and contact information, please scan the QR Code at the end of the video or visit our official website directly.

唐崇榮國際佈道團網址 STEMI Website


#這次唐崇榮牧師在北美東岸四個城市的告別佈道會,都是在北美最重要的城市,也是知識份子最多的地方。若錯過,這些人以後可能不再有機會能聽像唐牧師這樣的講道。遺憾的是,現在很多華人教會不太支持大型佈道會。因此,林望傑博士幾乎將所有時間投入到這次佈道會的策劃和組織中。林博士正在接洽大學裡的查經班和基督徒學生團契能在各校園舉辦信仰講座,比如在麻省理工學院(MIT),哥大(Columbia University),布朗大學(Brown University),都在積極進行。請為此迫切禱告,並將宣傳影片,廣發給您在北美的親友,大家一起動員邀請。

All four cities in which this US East Coast Farewell Gospel Rally are set to be held are the most important cities in the US where intellectuals are gathered. Once missed, they may no longer have any opportunity to hear preaching like these from Rev. Stephen Tong. Regrettably, many Chinese churches are now less supportive of large-scale gospel meetings. Dr Jahja Ling is therefore devoting almost all of his time to the planning and organising of this rally. He is actively reaching out to Bible study groups and varsity Christian fellowships (e.g. in MIT, Columbia University, Brown University) in a bid to hold seminars of Christian faith in these universities. We covet your prayers, and urge you to join us in extending invitations by sharing widely the publicity video especially to those in the US.


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